August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The Odd Uneven Time.
~ Sylvia Plath
There is something very primal about dreading the winter in a land that sees such little sun. The Irish joke about the rain and the dark days to come, but underlying it all is an accepted fear that days will no longer feel like days, but rather short bursts of lighter grey amid long, wet nights.
“Get used to it,” my Irish friend said to me as I shared my dreaded memory of 3 full weeks of seeing no sun last winter. “It’s very normal”, she said.
And yet I can’t help but think about how completely abnormal it is to live without the sun dictating the time of day. Or drying out the morning rain. Here, it’s dark, and it’s rainy. And when the icy wind blows it makes you understand how people lose their fingers to frostbite.
But it’s too soon to be dreading the winter. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself so as not to succumb to my fear of the seasonal depression that gripped me so last year.
No, this year things will be better. Things are better.
I’m two weeks into my new job in the city. I’m working in a local coffee shop in Dublin City – ticking off one of my life goals: learn to make a good cup of coffee.

I’m getting used to early starts rather than late closes, even though it means some days I leave before Ken wakes up and go to sleep before he gets home…
Having every evening off is a widely new experience for me and I’m constantly on the lookout for exciting things to fill the time with.
If the sun is out then you’ll find me at 📍St. Stephen’s Green Park, reading or writing. The evenings are still warm enough to enough the slowly setting sun falling on the trees.

I’ve found my mind very open to new experiences lately. I went to a free philosophy lecture one night – Finding the Hero Within. What an eye-opening experience. It was like my feelings lately had been confirmed in this one evening: I am capable of great things and I have a duty to share my strengths. So I started writing my book again. Discovering more and more the story that feels buried within me.
I went to a Sip & Paint evening with a friend. It’s a fabulous girl’s night out if you’re looking for one – hosted by Paint by the Pint. You get a glass of wine and canvas, and the instructor talks you through painting your masterpiece; no experience needed. I, however, am experienced, and couldn’t help but engage my competitive core and outpaint all of the others. Ha.

Yesterday I signed up for a photoshoot for a media campaign for a local makeup brand: Sculpted by Aimee. This was a very uncomfortable position to be in and yet, in a strange turn of events, I really enjoyed it! Should I organise a couple’s photoshoot?!
(If you know of any good Dublin-based photographers let me know in the comments).
Culture Night in Dublin
After enjoying all these new experiences, I find myself checking the Events app every couple of days to see what other exciting things I might sign up for. This Friday is culture night in Dublin. There are so many exciting free things to do in the city, especially planned to celebrate all things art and culture.

Maybe I’ll sign up for a beginner’s ballet class at 📍Liffey Trust Studios? Maybe I’ll go eat artisanal bread and pastries at 📍The Bretzel Bakery? Maybe I’ll learn how to tattoo a banana at 📍Dublin Ink?
I’m not sure yet…
If you’re looking to try a new experience and celebrate the Irish culture in the process, check out www.culturenight.ie to see all of the free events going on this Friday, the 20th of September!

And maybe that’s how the Irish survive the long, harsh winters – they fill their evenings with good craic. Therefore there is always something to look forward to and the “odd uneven time” won’t feel so empty of warmth.
Enjoy the last days of summer, dear reader.
With love from Dublin,